What is the best drinking water?
Which water is best for drinking? There is your local municipal tap water vs bottled water. Alkaline water made by machines that cost a thousand dollars or more and distilled water.
What about water that is naturally alkaline. Is it healthy. Can you drink too much. Are there health concerns?
So, which is the best for drinking water?
To some degree, it depends on the purpose you are drinking the water.
Best Drinking Water for Overall Health
The best Drinking water for overall health is water that is naturally free of chemicals, toxins natural and man made radionuclides, plastic leaching, bacteria or cysts and is just slightly alkaline.
From source to consumption, the purer the water is from chemicals, the better it is to drink. When it comes to water hardness, generally speaking, the best drinking water is the hard water.
International Journal of Preventative Medicine published the following....
Most municipalities use ground water with one dangerous exception. They are mandated by the local or state government to add dangerous chemical like fluoride and chlorine to the water. The amounts prescribed are based on standards. The standards are often measured at the end and not the beginning of the service lines. The closer you are to the source, the higher the concentration of chemicals you could be receiving.
Well water does not have the added chlorine or fluoride. There is not the precautions regarding the other chemicals that could be in the water.
Here are some links to check out the water by the local areas.
Many know about aluminum and the risk of Alzheimer's. Studies have also found a connection with fluoride and....
Liver disease
Skin problems
Parkinson's disease
Gastrointestinal disease
Learning disabilities in children
Recently Lancet included fluoride as a neurotoxin. It can also weaken the immune system and is detrimental to bone health.
You probably have at some time disposed of your unused prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Whether you put them down the drain or in the garbage, they will end up in the ground water.
The most common drugs found in water supplies are antibiotics, hormones, contraceptives and steroids. Even cancer chemo drugs are in the water systems.
The chemicals in the water we drink react with other chemicals to create new, even more deadly compounds and chemicals. There is no testing for these chemical compounds.
Think of ionized alkaline water as the GMO of waters.
There is so much info on this topic, we have a page devoted totally to ionized alkaline water.
Natural Alkaline Water
Naturally made alkaline water is not only healthy, it is the best water we can drink.
Some may think distilled water is the best drinking water. The distillation process takes all the minerals out of water. We need those elements of water for our health.
When water lacks minerals, our bodies does not have the necessary buffers to maintain optimal health. The water now, attracts the minerals out of our body. Any acidity caused by the water results in bone loss, our bodies calcium response to counteract acidity.
Consider this: Demineralized water is rarely found in nature. The closer we get to what we were intended to drink, the healthier we will be.
There is a logic that reverse osmosis is the best drinking water. Reverse osmosis processes remove up to 90 percent of the minerals naturally found in water. Read the section on distilled water for a better understanding of the health implications of this causes. The World Health Organization reported that reverse osmosis water has a definite adverse influence on the animal and human organism.
As other information comes along on the best drinking water, we will add them here.
The Water Cures Protocol The Best Way to Drink the Best Water to Drink.
More Drinking Water Info Go and discover a glass or two of knowledge.
Jul 07, 19 05:23 PM
Oct 25, 18 09:38 PM
Apr 16, 18 09:26 PM
October 22, 2018...
Robert Butts, founder of WaterCures.org passed away at the age of 83. He will be missed.
Warning: Research shows calcium supplements may be harmful to your health.
Fixing Blood Disorders
Posted December 2016 |
It is amazing how so many things that are new to us were common knowledge in the past. One basic practice of the Water Cures protocol is to drink at least 30-45 minutes before and 2 1/2 hours after a meal. This is not a new thought however. Notice what a magazine from 1925 had to say...
"Drink plenty of water two hours after each meal; drink none just before eating; and a small quantity if any at meal time. Do not take a bath until two hours after eating a meal, nor closer than one hour before eating. Drink a full glass of water both before and after the bath." (Golden Age, Sept. 9, 1925, pp. 784-785)
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The weirdest...chimney sweep cancer. You won't believe where it strikes.
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Nurse Jon for more information on hydrating to improve performance.
We are not promoting increased salt intake. We are suggesting taking salt in amounts appropriate to your bodies needs, based on water needs. Our needs are not one size fits all.
Note: Do you have CHF or Kidney Disease? Then.....
A Review of the above JAMA Article
Study: Salt May Not Be All Bad?
Listen to your body. Do not use this if you are under a doctors care. Do not stop taking medications without consulting your doctor. If you are on medications, consult your doctor if you start the Water Cures Protocol as it may change your needs.
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Hi, my name is Sharon. The webmaster of this site is my nurse, my personal water coach and my husband.
As this site was first being built, I had a headache and as usual took an Ibuprofen. Impatient for it to start working, I decided to try the Water Cures. I took a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Then I took a second pinch of salt and another glass of water. My headache was gone in less than 5 minutes.
From my personal experience, it usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for Ibuprofen to work. Some have found it takes ibuprofen 24 minutes to start working.
Yet on the Water Cures protocol, my headache was gone in 5 minutes.
Its simple: give your body what it needs and your body will give you what you need, the ability to feel great.
Water Cures was the solution for the elimination of my headache. It is what I will use from now on.
Why not give it a try yourself.