The connection of depression and the elderly overlooks a common factor. Also called geriatric depression, senior depression or elderly depression, the commonality is fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Put another way, they are chronic unintentional dehydration.
Want to see if our simple solution works?...While we would rather you know the possible reasons for it...go ahead....scroll down to the bottom.
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Depression in the elderly is more common than most people know. Not only do we as members of our community fail to recognize the depression, the older ones around us fail to recognize it or do not try to get help. And consider the help the health care system provides. So many of the medical treatments either do not work or have even worse side effects. While some may be helped, the majority may not get any benefit. That is, unless you look at the research on hydration, depression and the elderly.
Depression in the elderly has a number of common factors.
Feeling irritable Neglecting personal care Feeling hopeless or worthless Noticing increased forgetfulness Feeling sad with no apparent reason Feeling anxious, worried and concern Lack of motivation and lack of energy No interest in socializing or working on hobbies Abnormal slowing down in speech and physical movement Inability to function in some aspects of life such as work, caring for home Hearing things or seeing things that do not exist Preoccupation with dying Thoughts of suicide
Modern medicine recognizes that the causes of depression in the elderly could be due to single or multiple factors. The most important factor, the one seldom considered outside of holistic health care, is dehydration. Here are the common causes considered.
Health plays a major factor in depression. Just being sick can cause you to be depressed.
Chronic unintentional dehydration is the number one factor responsible for depression. The solution is the Water Cures Protocol
Other health factors that involve both depression and the elderly include...
Heart Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's Disease
Thyroid disorders
Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Blood pressure medication (clonidine) Beta-blockers (e.g. Lopressor, Inderal) Calcium-channel blockers Corticosteroids (e.g. cortisone and prednisone) Estrogens (e.g. Premarin, Prempro) Heart drugs containing reserpine Painkillers and arthritis drugs Sleeping pills Parkinson's medications (e.g. Dopar (levodopa) Artane) High-cholesterol drugs (e.g. Lipitor, Mevacor, Zocor) Impotence medications (e.g. Yohimbine) Thyroid replacement hormones (e.g. Synthroid) Tranquilizers (e.g. Valium, Xanax, Halcion) Ulcer medication (e.g. Zantac, Tagamet) When considering depression and the elderly, these are the most common drugs that can cause depression. This is not an exhaustive list.
Numerous people have brought an end to their depression by using the water cures protocol. When considering depression and the elderly, the Water Cure should be considered as a possible solution.
Why Water Cures Works is rather simple when considering the way we are made. When you look at the signs and symptoms of dehydration, you will also see the these as the same signs and symptoms of other diseases. When looking at depression and the elderly, there is a commonality of all these symptoms and signs.
Consider the loss of energy, one of the common signs of depression.
The loss of energy is the first sign of depression. We theorize there are two physiological types of dehydration. One is intercellular and one is extracellular. The intercellular dehydration, the first we experience when the bodies needs are not met.
The cells, when in drought, have a decreased ability to function. Water is one of their sources of energy. If we have a one percent drop in hydration in our cells we have a 10 percent reduction in energy.
Our brain has the highest demand for hydration. We know this because our brain is only 2% of our body weight yet is requires 15% of the blood flow to function properly.
Just as our brain have no pain sensors, neither does it have any way to tell us it is thirsty. When experiencing dehydration at the cellular level, our brains send signals. These signals can be something as simple as a lack of mental clarity or mental fog. Anxiety, irritability, and sadness can be the most basic symptoms that our brain is saying that it is thirsty.
Show Me the Science. The experience of Bob Butts, one of the early promoters of water cures, provides at telling testimonial.After you read this, consider,
1) Who pays for research studies? and
2) Who stands to gain from research studies? The answer is found in following the money. If there is no money to be made, who is going to start promoting it? The rare Bob Butts that comes along in this world.Bob was invited to lecture to people who were so depressed, they had to get counseling. These were people who could not even hold a job. The counseling center served the towns of Scranton and Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania.
A nurse, Marilyn Fox had eliminated her MS using water cures and we wanted to share it with the depression group.
Bob had one hour to share his message. Starting the meeting with a question, 'What do you drink?' brought similar responses from all. Coffee, tea, alcohol and various types of soda, both diet and regular was the answer.
When asked, they related that the only time they drank water, was when they took their pills.
Bob then asked them to tell about their illnesses. One, he never heard of before, agoraphobia, made it impossible for this one woman to be close to people or do any normal activity like going shopping.
She also suffered with asthma. She wanted to know if the Water Cures protocol could help. Bob responded that he did not know if it would work on the phobia but he was sure that it would end her asthma but he did not know if it would help with the phobia.
The lady with the agoraphobia, within 2 days of being on water cures, had taken her mother to the King of Prussia mall near Philadelphia, PA. When you have a mental picture of this mall, think super big and lots of people. In a few days, she no longer had the emotionally debilitating phobia.
The rest of the people at the counseling center were depression free within three weeks. All were discharged.
Bob was never again allowed to speak at this facility. They lost all of their patients and if this continued, they would be out of business.
The water cures is only effective if done properly. In order to start treating depression naturally, there is also a motivational component that has to be included. A friend, support system or others using the same modality of treatments can often help.
This is a simple and easy way to help with depression and the elderly. So long as they do not have kidney failure or problems and they do not have congestive heart failure, here is a simple solution to see if unintentional dehydration is the problem.
Put 1/8th tsp of salt on a spoon and put that on the tongue. Let is set there for a minute or as long as they can stand. Then rinse it off and drink a glass of water. Next, put a spoon full of sugar on the tongue. Allow that to set for a minute. Then wash it off. Ask how they feel?
This almost always perks people up. More importantly, it shows that they are not getting enough water or salt.
Jul 07, 19 05:23 PM
Oct 25, 18 09:38 PM
Apr 16, 18 09:26 PM
October 22, 2018...
Robert Butts, founder of passed away at the age of 83. He will be missed.
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Warning: Research shows calcium supplements may be harmful to your health.
Fixing Blood Disorders
Posted December 2016 |
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It is amazing how so many things that are new to us were common knowledge in the past. One basic practice of the Water Cures protocol is to drink at least 30-45 minutes before and 2 1/2 hours after a meal. This is not a new thought however. Notice what a magazine from 1925 had to say...
"Drink plenty of water two hours after each meal; drink none just before eating; and a small quantity if any at meal time. Do not take a bath until two hours after eating a meal, nor closer than one hour before eating. Drink a full glass of water both before and after the bath." (Golden Age, Sept. 9, 1925, pp. 784-785)
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Hand Joint Pain: How Can I Make It Go Away? |
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We started expanding on the causes...
The weirdest...chimney sweep cancer. You won't believe where it strikes.
Our theory on...
Healthy Hydration for Athletics & the reason for hydration guideline failures in the past.
We speak to organizations small and large, private and corporate.
Our scientifically proven training works to improve performance and decrease lost days due to illness.
We are currently speaking to hospitals to train staff in ways to decrease the readmission rates in several disease processes that pose high risk of <30 day readmission.
We can cut the rates by up to 70%. Ask us how.
Nurse Jon for more information on hydrating to improve performance.
We are not promoting increased salt intake. We are suggesting taking salt in amounts appropriate to your bodies needs, based on water needs. Our needs are not one size fits all.
Note: Do you have CHF or Kidney Disease? Then.....
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A Review of the above JAMA Article
Study: Salt May Not Be All Bad?
Listen to your body. Do not use this if you are under a doctors care. Do not stop taking medications without consulting your doctor. If you are on medications, consult your doctor if you start the Water Cures Protocol as it may change your needs.
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Hi, my name is Sharon. The webmaster of this site is my nurse, my personal water coach and my husband.
As this site was first being built, I had a headache and as usual took an Ibuprofen. Impatient for it to start working, I decided to try the Water Cures. I took a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Then I took a second pinch of salt and another glass of water. My headache was gone in less than 5 minutes.
From my personal experience, it usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for Ibuprofen to work. Some have found it takes ibuprofen 24 minutes to start working.
Yet on the Water Cures protocol, my headache was gone in 5 minutes.
Its simple: give your body what it needs and your body will give you what you need, the ability to feel great.
Water Cures was the solution for the elimination of my headache. It is what I will use from now on.
Why not give it a try yourself.