Why call it Lyme Disease MSIDS?
Will the new MSIDS or multiple systemic infectious disease syndrome catch on as a more comprehensive name? We don't know but we like it. Here's why...
Dr. Richard Horowitz refers to the phenomenon most know as Lyme disease as multiple systemic infectious disease syndrome (MSIDS).
We think this is more appropriate because few people have only Lyme disease and not the co-infections. One survey found that 50% of those looked at had 2 or more infections. The multiple infections cause numerous symptoms that for any other than Lyme literate practitioners, defy diagnosis.
Once in the human body, the various bacteria suppress the immune system and stimulate a body wide inflammatory cascade. The effects on those infected include attacks on multiple organs and systems in the body, including the skin, brain and nervous tissue, the most notable being the heart and brain.
When you hear Lyme Disease, did the thought of a tick bite come to mind? Lyme disease has grown up and is so much more than just the result of a tick bite. It is now believed to be transmitted by mosquitoes and other vectors.
Lyme Disease is a term that encompasses several potential infections and numerous symptoms. Currently, many common diseases and conditions are considered misdiagnosed Lyme Disease. This is just one reason why Lyme Disease MSIDS or just MSIDS is more appropriate.
When it comes to the Lyme disease diagnosis, Lyme disease prognosis and Lyme disease stages, it is difficult to look at more than one infectious process at a time. There may be two or even several infections each causing different symptoms. Each infection may cause or result in various symptoms, many differing from the others and differing in the people infected. All this happen at the same time.
Further complicating treatment, one treatment that proves effective for one of the bacteria may actually benefit or help another bacteria.
Two of our first people with Lyme had multiple organisms in their blood. One, our founder announced he had Lyme early in 2016 on his radio show. The second person we coached was found to have spirochetes with heads at each end (strong possibility of being Lyme but showed up negative on a rapid Lyme test). Also there were the symptoms and the bacteria found in the live blood that suggested Babesia infection. Finally, there were gram negative rods present and spirochetes with no heads. So a total of 4 different bacteria were found in the blood.
Of the Lyme borrelia tick, there are over 20 species around the world, 7 of them are in the US. Five of the species in the US carry Lyme disease (B. burgdorferi (Bb), B. americana, B. andersonii, B. bissettii, B. mayonii in the Midwest.) The problem, many of these ticks carry more than one infectious bacteria.
The Black-legged Ixodes scapularis tick can carry infectious bacteria's such as Anaplasma, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, and Babesia that cause anaplasmosis, babesiosis and Lineage 2 Powassan disease. (Lineage 1 ticks don't like and rarely come in contact with humans, 10-15% of those who get Linage 2 die).
Not All Spirochetes Are Lyme: There are six oral spirochetes that can infect our blood and cause havoc with our lives. In all, there are at a minimum of 20 spirochetes alone that can infect us and not all are Lyme related.
At Water Cures, based on our research, we believe that Lyme Disease may also be a misdiagnoses for some of these non-Lyme different spirochete infections. Spirochetes are the cork screw shaped bacteria that cause Lyme and a close cousin that causes syphilis. Additionally, there are the various co-infections that can come with both Lyme infection (Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete) as well as the other spirochete infections.
There are currently at least 20 known spirochetes that can invade us and eventually get into our brain or any other tissue of our body. Six are dental related spirochetes. When they get inside you, they bring their friends with them. These include cocci and gram negative rods. Unlike most bacteria, the infections do not cause a septic response. They grow very slowly. Also, they have a stealth component to promote their existence.
Of the common tick-borne Lyme co-infections in the United States, there are Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Relapsing fever, Tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and Babesiosis.
As to the Lyme spirochetes and the 19 distant cousins, there are spirochetes that look like they have dumbbell ends (most likely Lyme) and the ones without.
Evidence seems to indicate antibiotics currently will not kill them off unless given immediately after exposure, when first infected. While antibiotic have been given such favorable reviews in the minds of people, the evidence found in the NNT or numbers needed to treat and the NNH or numbers needed to harm tell a far different story. According to the evidence, many times, antibiotics simply do more harm than good. To research this, research the NNT for the various antibiotics.
Of course there are advantages for many with antibiotics. For some, simply your belief may provide you with the placebo effect benefit. Likewise, if you don't believe in them, you are more likely to experience a nocebo effect or worse, any of the many negative side effects reported that result from antibiotic use.
There is much debate on the use of antibiotics. There are two schools on the use...one for short term and one believing in the necessity of long term antibiotics.
The doctors who prescribe for long term are called Lyme literate doctors. The others are called Lyme Illiterate.
This is not to suggest you should not use antibiotics. However, when they simply do not work, even after several months, you should be aware that there are numerous natural antibiotics that work. While it is not a quick fix and it too may take several months, we are having success in killing off enough bacteria so that people are getting their lives back.
It is estimated that the average person spends close to $100,000 before they get a diagnosis and start the healing process.
The Water Cures: Lyme Disease Booklet is a guide to the various treatments that we have found works in those we coach. One unique feature of MSIDS is that just as the various symptoms are different, so to the pathway to healing is different.
For instance, you may start on mega-dose vitamin C to find that you are one of the rare ones that gets gout or pseudo-gout. A treatment option like eating a raw diet may not work because of malabsorption issues, also caused by the MSIDS. So, to treat the pseudo-gout, you will learn about magnesium bicarbonate concentrate you can make and add to your water yourself.
Or you may have cold hands and feet. While this is commonly thought to be caused by the thyroid, it is more likely to be caused by the pancreas. Thus, a dose of ginger tea 2-3 times a day will make the cold hands go away. This and more, much more can be found in our new guide.
There is interesting research on the use of frequencies to kill bacteria. Research was conducted at Swathmore College where they produced a TED Talk video providing evidence that frequencies could indeed destroy bacteria without harming living cells. While the actual machines on the market are not the same (unless their price is in the $4500 range), this is an interesting possibility.
Jul 07, 19 05:23 PM
Oct 25, 18 09:38 PM
Apr 16, 18 09:26 PM
October 22, 2018...
Robert Butts, founder of WaterCures.org passed away at the age of 83. He will be missed.
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Warning: Research shows calcium supplements may be harmful to your health.
Fixing Blood Disorders
Posted December 2016 |
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It is amazing how so many things that are new to us were common knowledge in the past. One basic practice of the Water Cures protocol is to drink at least 30-45 minutes before and 2 1/2 hours after a meal. This is not a new thought however. Notice what a magazine from 1925 had to say...
"Drink plenty of water two hours after each meal; drink none just before eating; and a small quantity if any at meal time. Do not take a bath until two hours after eating a meal, nor closer than one hour before eating. Drink a full glass of water both before and after the bath." (Golden Age, Sept. 9, 1925, pp. 784-785)
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Hand Joint Pain: How Can I Make It Go Away? |
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We started expanding on the causes...
The weirdest...chimney sweep cancer. You won't believe where it strikes.
Our theory on...
Healthy Hydration for Athletics & the reason for hydration guideline failures in the past.
We speak to organizations small and large, private and corporate.
Our scientifically proven training works to improve performance and decrease lost days due to illness.
We are currently speaking to hospitals to train staff in ways to decrease the readmission rates in several disease processes that pose high risk of <30 day readmission.
We can cut the rates by up to 70%. Ask us how.
Nurse Jon for more information on hydrating to improve performance.
We are not promoting increased salt intake. We are suggesting taking salt in amounts appropriate to your bodies needs, based on water needs. Our needs are not one size fits all.
Note: Do you have CHF or Kidney Disease? Then.....
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A Review of the above JAMA Article
Study: Salt May Not Be All Bad?
Listen to your body. Do not use this if you are under a doctors care. Do not stop taking medications without consulting your doctor. If you are on medications, consult your doctor if you start the Water Cures Protocol as it may change your needs.
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Hi, my name is Sharon. The webmaster of this site is my nurse, my personal water coach and my husband.
As this site was first being built, I had a headache and as usual took an Ibuprofen. Impatient for it to start working, I decided to try the Water Cures. I took a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Then I took a second pinch of salt and another glass of water. My headache was gone in less than 5 minutes.
From my personal experience, it usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for Ibuprofen to work. Some have found it takes ibuprofen 24 minutes to start working.
Yet on the Water Cures protocol, my headache was gone in 5 minutes.
Its simple: give your body what it needs and your body will give you what you need, the ability to feel great.
Water Cures was the solution for the elimination of my headache. It is what I will use from now on.
Why not give it a try yourself.